What is Redis Server? Redis Tutorial | 2022

Definition by RedisLab: Redis is an in-memory remote database that offers high performance, replication, and a unique data model to produce a platform for solving problems.

I know that each product’s details can be found on its own website with a detailed overview. Yet, the only problem I’ve encountered with such tutorials or guides is that they’re not at all easy to understand. Until you have a good amount of expertise or experience with a good range of technical jargon.

What is Redis Server?

Redis or Remote Disk Server is an open-source In Memory key-value pair database or datastore. It gets high-performance gain due to its in-memory store. As we know accessing data from in-memory is way faster than any file system storage.

Memcache is also a key-value pair of data storage and works on the same principles as Redis.

When to use Redis Database?

Because of its in-memory design, Redis becomes the first choice in so many use cases.


Caching is a very common use case in any of the applications. Most developers use an in-memory cache to store and retrieve the data.

In the case of monolithink architecture, it works perfectly. However, when you think about the distributed system or microservices-based system. You should cache the data in a central location, not in the individual server. For, better reusability purposes.

Another use case is When you don’t want to put an extra load of server memory that is dedicated completely to your application.

State Server

When the load balancer comes into the picture. If you want your application to be highly available then placing a load balancer is the first thing that comes to mind.

In this case, we must go for a state server, where we can store the data session details for each user.

We can utilize the power of Redis to implement the state server for our application.

Chat or Messaging

Redis supports Pub/Sub with pattern matching and a variety of data structures such as lists, sorted sets, and hashes. This allows Redis to support high-performance chat rooms, real-time comment streams, social media feeds, and server intercommunication.

Messaging Queues

The Redis List data structure makes it easy to implement a lightweight queue. Lists offer atomic operations as well as blocking capabilities, making them suitable for a variety of applications that require a reliable message broker or a circular list.

Alternatives to Redis

When you search for an alternative to Redis Cache, Memcached is the first option you will always find in the result. Apart from Memcache, there are variaus NoSQL databases available in the market which can replace the Redis database.

In case you are interested to get more information on this topic. you can refer to this article.

Redis vs Memcached

key-value PairYesYes
Pub/Sub DesignYesNo
Data Typeslist, array, sets, and sorted setsstring
PersistenceRedis syncs data to the disk at least every 2 secondsData might be lost with a restart
ReplicationSupports master-slave replication. It allows slave Redis servers to be the exact copies of master serversDoes not support replication
Key Length2GB250 bytes

Supported Platforms

  1. Linux
  2. Mac
  3. Windows
  4. Docker Image

How to install Redis in Windows

How to Setup Redis Server for Windows Machine

How to install Redis on Linux Machine?

In the windows environment. We had certain limitations in using the Redis server. Also, a recommendation from the Redis lab not to use the windows version for the Production environment.

How to Install Redis in Linux Machine(CentOS)

Docker Container, How to run Redis as a Container?

Let’s discuss the easiest way of installing the Redis server using the Docker container.


Redis Tutorials for Nodejs

Redis is supported by a wide range is clients. NodeJs is one of them. As a frontend developer, Nodejs becomes the first choice to write the backend code as well.



In this article we have gone through, What is Redis, various use cases of Redis, and alternatives available in the market. Also, How to install and set up the Redis in different-2 environments.

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