Deependra kushwah

Deependra kushwah is a member of the fastest growing bloggers community "Beetechnical", Author, Youtuber, and hardcore developer.

Pivot Rows to Columns

Easy Example of SQL Pivot Rows to Columns | 2023

In SQL, the PIVOT operator is used to transform rows into columns, creating a pivot table. It allows you to rotate rows into columns based on the values in a specified column. The PIVOT operation is often used to aggregate and summarize data. In this article, We are going to focus on the practical approach

Easy Example of SQL Pivot Rows to Columns | 2023 Read More »

Sturct vs Class in C#

C# Class vs. Struct: Making the Right Choice | 2023

When working with C# programming language, understanding the difference between class and structs is crucial. In C#, both classes and structs are used to define custom data types, but they have some important differences. By default, members of a class are private, while members of a struct are public. Classes support inheritance, allowing one class

C# Class vs. Struct: Making the Right Choice | 2023 Read More »

Diffrence between Mvc and MVP

What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference? | 2023

MVP (Model-View-Presenter) and MVC (Model-View-Controller) are both architectural patterns used in software development to separate concerns and organize code. In this article, we will try to understand the difference between them and see their usage with some examples. MVP and MVC MVP (Model-View-Presenter) MVC (Model-View-Controller) The main difference between MVP and MVC lies in the

What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference? | 2023 Read More »

Quick Diffrent between Builder vs Factory vs Abstract Factory Method

Builder vs factory vs Abstract Factory | C# Examples | 2023

Discover the differences between the Builder, Factory, and Abstract Factory design patterns. This article provides a concise comparison of these software development approaches, exploring their unique features and use cases. Gain insights into when and how to leverage these patterns for efficient and flexible software design.

Builder vs factory vs Abstract Factory | C# Examples | 2023 Read More »

Reference Local Images in React

How do I Reference a Local Image in React? | 2023

React is a widely used front-end JavaScript library for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. In many React projects, it’s common to need to display local images in components. In this article, we’ll explore how to reference and display local images in React, focusing on the best practices for optimizing this process.

How do I Reference a Local Image in React? | 2023 Read More »

Abstract Factory Pattern

Abstract Factory Pattern in C#: Unleash Object Creation Power | 2023

The Abstract Factory pattern revolves around a central abstract factory, which is responsible for creating and managing multiple related concrete factories that produce objects of related families. This factory is often referred to as a “factory of factories” or a “super-factory.”

Abstract Factory Pattern in C#: Unleash Object Creation Power | 2023 Read More »

C# Queue Collection

Exploring the C# Queue Collection: A Complete Guide for 2023

In C# Queue is a collection that is used to hold a group of elements, allowing elements to be added to the end of the collection and removed from the front. It follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle, meaning that the first element added to the queue is the first to be removed. The Queue class

Exploring the C# Queue Collection: A Complete Guide for 2023 Read More »

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